Friday 4 November 2011

Week 9

1.) Creative option.

Once upon a time there was a young boy named Jonathan. He went to Mary’s town Junior high school and attended Mrs. Clarke’s grade eight English class. It was just days before Halloween and Mrs. Clarke was allowing her students to decorate their classroom with spooky decorations. All this talk about the Halloween season between Jonathan and his classmates was making him very excited to dress up for trick or treating. Suddenly the bell rang and all the kids scattered, flooding the hallways.

Halloween evening rolled around quickly and Jonathan was all dressed up in his goblin costume. Him and his friends Markus and Jack decided to have matching costumes which they planned to scare the younger kids with. It was a misty night, not wet enough to make Jonathan and his friends abandon trick or treating, but just wet enough to dampen the soles of their hidden sneakers. Firstly the boys ran down Crescent Street with their capes and empty pillow cases flapping behind them. In previous years this street had always given out the best candy so they had high hopes in filling their pillow cases fast enough to squeeze in a second trip.

Half way down the street the boys approached a dark house with no decorations, jack decided it was best to skip that house because it didn’t seem like anyone was home. As the boys rudely ran over the abandoned houses wet grass Jonathan caught a glimpse of something with his eye. As he approached it he realized it was a young boy on the ground! Jonathan frantically called Jack and Markus over and without question Markus whipped out his beat up cell phone to call 911. Through all the panic and ambulance lights it seemed like the young boy was gone instantly. Jonathan and his friends being so shook up about the emergency just decided to head home.

A Phone call later that night to Jonathan’s father confirmed that the young boy on the ground was a neighbour. His name was Sam and he had been separated from his friends when he collapsed after having an allergic reaction from a candy. As it turns out he was Sam was going to be just fine. Jonathan was over joyed to hear the good news and immediately picked up the phone to inform his friends. Even though Jonathan didn’t get very much candy this Halloween he was more pleased to know that he had helped somebody and was just going to wait to trick or treat next year.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Cassidy. This is a nice little story--though not really very ghosty.

    One thing to watch out for is your use of "Him" in the second sentence of the second paragraph. It should actually be "He and his friends ...". If you're not sure whether it should be him or he, me or I, it usually helps to just take the "and his friends" out to test it. You wouldn't say "Him decided to have matching costumes", so don't say "Him and his friends decided".
