Friday 16 September 2011

Week 2

For this weeks blog I chose the creative choice.

            1.) Limerick
There once lived a cat named Sam
Who’s thoughts always consisted of jam
So he ate and he ate
Then it lead to his fate
There was no longer a cat named Sam

2.) Haiku
The snow crunched beneath
Many metal horse shoes
Galloping down the path

3.)The content of both the haiku and the limerick poem I constructed were both strongly influenced by the unique forms that each of these two individual types of poetry have. In the haiku I wrote I was limited to the amount of descriptive syllables I could add to create the right amount of imagery, feelings and meaning haiku's usually have. Due to their short structure and lack of rhythm their stressed and unstressed syllables suggest feelings and meanings making my choice of rhythm crucial for portraying the right mood. I used a reference to snow to suggest winter as the time of year when my haiku toke place, I felt this conveyed a strong sensory experience for the reader. The two couplets that exist in a limerick poem made me chose a simple common name for my cat so it wouldn’t be too difficult to rhyme. Also the unique rhyme scheme (a a b b a) made the words I chose seem happy and have sort of a skipping sound when read aloud.

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