Friday 23 September 2011

Week 3


I had never seen the stars so bright

They glistened down upon the sand and sea

Never had I been so warm at night

This land was so foreign to me you see

As I sat there amongst the sand

A wild breeze blew through my hair

Quiet tunes drifted over from the band

There was freshness in the air

The earth beneath me was so alive

I felt invincible for a while

I ventured towards the shore then toke a dive

As the warm sea surrounded me I felt I could swim for a mile

Then I rolled over so unexpectedly, how could it be?

Just another wishful dream


                The form of this sonnet strongly influenced the content. Firstly the rhyme scheme a b a b c d c d e f e f g g gave me no choice but to use words at the end of my lines that were reasonably easy to rhyme. I saved my more complex language for the internal section of the poem. Secondly writing in iambic pentameter gave my poem a nice skipping rhythm even though every line in a sonnet does not rhyme. Also due to the particular form of a sonnet my poem had to be 12 lines giving me enough lines to create a nice image of a place I have once visited. I don’t feel like the form of this poem influenced the mood, tone or language to any great degree because the form of a sonnet is not extremely strict leaving room for the writer to express whatever mood they may be experiencing.

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